Trees can be a wonderful addition to just about any property. They offer shade, help recycle carbon dioxide into oxygen, and can have a cooling effect on the area around them. Not only that, but the sound of wind rustling gently through the tree branches can be wonderfully relaxing to listen to. Of course, if you want to enjoy your trees properly, you need to take steps to keep them healthy. So how do you go about doing that?
Like all plants, trees need water to grow and stay healthy. If your trees are younger, their root systems won’t be as well developed, so you may need to give them a helping hand and water them. As they mature, their root systems will be broader and deeper, giving them greater access to water underneath the ground. As long as the trees on your property are suited for the local climate, they won’t need much help from you in terms of getting enough water. Of course, if you’re in a drought, that may not be the case, and your trees may benefit from some extra water. Be careful to not overdo it though. Too much water can make them more susceptible to diseases.
Trees can benefit from being pruned and trimmed periodically. It’s usually best to do this sort of thing in late winter. Focus on dead and damaged branches or suckers around the base of the tree. If branches are rubbing together or are causing problems, those should be removed as well. It will be especially important to trim back any thin growth that’s crowding well-established branches if your trees are fruit trees. This will help direct the nutrients and water that the tree absorbs towards the areas you want to grow instead of them being distributed in ways that are less beneficial to the overall health of the tree.
While you may not need to be very proactive in terms of watering your trees, it’s still a good idea to protect the moisture contained in the ground from evaporating so that your trees can make use of it. Retaining soil moisture is one of the benefits of using mulch around your trees. Beyond that, it can also help reduce weeds and keep the soil cooler. Mulch can boost soil health as it decomposes into the ground. To get the best benefits from mulch, you should lay it down two to three inches thick and extend it at least three feet away from the trunk. Check it regularly and replace it as needed.
Trees may be low maintenance in general, but that doesn’t mean you can neglect them entirely if you want them to be healthy. There are some pretty common diseases trees are susceptible to. You need to keep an eye out for these diseases and take preventative action to preserve your trees. Of course, the better you know your trees, the better you’ll be able to keep them healthy. Make sure you know what types of trees are on your property and learn about the specific diseases and hazards they are most susceptible to. If you’re uncertain, calling an arborist for some specialist advice can be highly beneficial.
As with watering, mature trees don’t typically need much in the way of fertilizer, but younger trees sometimes need more of a helping hand. You may need to fertilize them occasionally to help them become more established in their growth. After they’ve matured, you shouldn’t need to fertilize them. The exceptions are if they show signs of poor growth or yellowed foliage. If you notice those signs, analyze your soil so you know what nutrients are missing. That will help you figure out how to fertilize the soil so you’re giving your trees what they need in the right quantities.
Your trees need ample access to oxygen. While you may think that’s easy enough since so much of the tree has open, easy access to air, it’s the parts you don’t see that you need to be more concerned about. Tree roots need space and access to oxygen. If the soil surrounding them becomes compacted, they won’t have that anymore. That can be deadly to a tree. As such, make sure you aren’t doing things that could compact the soil around roots. Don’t park vehicles under trees, drive them or other equipment underneath them, and be careful about any construction or landscaping projects you do nearby.
Speaking of landscaping, you must be especially careful with any gardening care and maintenance you do in the area around the tree. That isn’t to say that you should neglect the areas surrounding your trees altogether. You just need to be very cautious. Make sure that you don’t damage the tree bark or roots as you mow, trim, and weed wack. If you do, you weaken the tree and create openings that can make the tree more susceptible to diseases.
Overall, trees tend to be low maintenance. Sometimes, however, that isn’t the case. If, for example, one of your trees had a large branch that needed to be removed, that’s something you should call for professional help with. Trying to do this yourself could result in you doing major, if not fatal, damage to the tree. Tree maintenance professionals know how to remove large branches while minimizing the danger posed to the rest of the tree. If you need professional help with your trees, make sure you know what to look for in tree service specialists so you can make sure you’re hiring the right team to care for your trees.
Taking care of your trees and keeping them healthy is essential if you want them to last. Trees offer multiple benefits, so it’s generally a good idea to care for them properly. Less is more is often the order of march in terms of tree care, though just neglecting them altogether isn’t going to work in the long term. Learn about what it takes to keep the trees on your property healthy so you can enjoy them for years to come.
Do your trees need trimming? Contact us today to schedule an appointment with us!
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